Workshops 2024
Hidden Beauty-This workshops is finding beauty hidden in nature and learning to take interesting shots by using the rule of thirds and filling the frame. Finding beauty in unfortunate circumstances is not always easy but if you are open to looking you just might find things you never expected to find.
A-Z –This workshop requires them to take a picture of something that begins with each letter of the alphabet. This requires some out of the box thinking and creativity. When things aren’t easy it might require some creative thinking and some team work.
Multiple Exposures/Dreams- We will explore multiple and long exposures to create some dream like images. Participants will be encouraged to write a creative story about their images. Dreams have a way of exposing and expressing our thoughts and ideas. This workshop is a great way to give participants a way to openly express themselves through images and stories.
Signs- Signs are all around us and some are easy to see and some you have to find like hidden treasures. Participants will think of a word and then find objects to photograph that convey that word. This workshop is about expressing how they are feeling in the moment and finding images to express it.
What is it?- I just love a picture that I have to look twice to see what it is. Participants will get up close and personal with the object/subject and choose an angle that makes it challenging to figure out what it is. This workshop is a great way to get a fun conversation going and to listen to different opinions and to understand that different opinions doesn’t mean something is wrong.
Abstract- This workshop will have them painting a canvas as the background that they will use to take pictures. We will use things such as kitchen utensils and other household objects to create abstract portraits. Things aren’t always what they seem. This workshop is about trying to create images with everyday items and creating exciting images that make you think twice about what you are actually seeing.
Don’t Move-Participants will pick an object/subject and will take 24 unique pictures while standing in the same spot. This is a great exercise that shows that we all see things differently.
Photo Scavenger Hunt- This workshop is also a race. Participants will have 1 hour to photograph a list of 25 different things. Depending on the weather will depend on if this is an inside or outside hunt. This workshop reinforces team work and helps promote leadership skills and problem solving.
I am- Participants are asked to bring with them to the workshop props that convey an I am statement about themselves. Participants will photograph each other. This workshop helps build confidence and self esteem while also getting to know new friends.
Behind the Scenes- Participants will meet me at a local business and will get a brief tour and then have an opportunity to do a fun photo shoot as if they were going to promote the business on social media. This is a great opportunity for participants to meet local business owners and build on social skills as well as an understanding of business and career opportunities.
Behind the Lens- Participants will have a chance to photograph each other in this very empowering workshop. This workshop is about building confidence, about feeling brave and learning to embrace what makes them special.
* * Workshops were developed with the help a professional school counselor.****
For more information or to schedule a workshop call (410)507-9315 or email Nanasueblogger@gmail.com