Sadly my daughter and son-in law are in the middle of a divorce. Divorce is never just about 2 people ending a relationship; it’s about changing the family landscape forever. I have been divorced before and my husband has been divorced twice so I am by no means saying that I oppose divorce. I think life is hard enough that you don’t need to live it with someone that doesn’t make it easier and happier. What I am saying is that I finally realized that their is a lot of healing that needs to take place by everyone in the family. I also know that the one thing children of divorce parents need is consistency during the first few months of the split.
Over the last few month I have tried to spend as much time as I can with my granddaughters. We have done a lot together including movie night, shopping sprees, spa days, dinner dates and some fun cooking and baking events. The girls are 9, 11 and 13 so it’s safe to say that they enjoy the shopping sprees the most. It’s hard for me to step foot in the mall without spending several hundred dollars. Someone always needs a hair cut some socks or underwear. They always seem to wear me down for a Starbucks and a snack in the food court too.
On a recent trip to the mall the girls and I saw a group of girls doing a scavenger hunt. The girls were laughing and hustling through the mall checking things off the lists they were carrying. I asked my granddaughters is they wanted to so something like that. They all said yes it sounded fun.
I did some hunting around the internet and found a few good ideas and put together a hunt that kept them busy for several hours. The best part was the only money we spent was on a celebration dinner! The girls brought friends and my husband and I each took a team and had a blast searching for our items. We made some friends at the mall and we all decided this was an activity we wanted to make a tradition. Next time we will add more challenging things and maybe even clues that lead to certain items. The possibilities are endless and cheap!