It’s about 3 days before hurricane Joaquin is scheduled to come ashore somewhere along the East Coast. I live in Maryland and we are no strangers to hurricanes. As I write this my husband is out running the generator to make sure it’s ready to go; he will check the gutters, get gas for the generator and stock up on beer and batteries. I on the other hand have begun my search on how to entertain 3 girls for the weekend. Normally I have no problem finding exciting things for us to do but that’s because we always have the mall and the movies if all else fails.
I wanted to be proactive so I started looking online for some fun activities to do on rainy days. I stumbled across this great website for grandparents that I wanted to share. It’s a great resource for grandparents and has information on many topics including health and wellness, money, relationships, activities to do with your grandkids and even yummy recipes; some you will definitely want to try with your grandchildren.
Here is the link https://aga.grandparents.com
Be safe in the storm and don’t forget to check on your elderly neighbors.